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搜尋參考資料: 1.BLANC & ECLARE blancgroup.com BLANC & ECLARE is the expression of the modern classic. Our fashion line bridges the divide between the clean enduring classic and the fashion forward. en.wiktionary.org/wiki/blanc 2015-05-20 · A white cosmetic.· A white sauce of fat, broth, and vegetables, used especially for braised meat.··white www.montblanc.com Visit the Official Montblanc website to discover the timeless beauty of Montblanc watches, writing instruments, jewelry, leather goods, fragrance and eyewear. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blanc Blanc or le Blanc is a surname of French origin, meaning White. Bearers of the name include the following. Antoine Blanc (1792–1860), first Archbishop of New Orleans www.thefreedictionary.com/Blanc Blanc (French blɑ̃) n. 1. (Placename) Mont Blanc See Mont Blanc. 2. (Placename) Cape Blanc a headland in N Tunisia: the northernmost point of Africa <span>BLANC&ECLARE 少女時代Jessica<,span>,熱門品牌推薦,名牌眼鏡,精品手錶、珠寶配飾,BLANC&ECLARE太陽眼鏡 韓系貓眼,米白#PARIS OA |
資料來源:Yahoo!奇摩購物中心 |